Proper lighting is important when playing pool. The best and most effective pool table lights cover the entire length of the table. The light should be unobtrusive, attractive and give adequate illumination without creating a glare. Hiring a professional to do the lighting installation will obviously save time but will be more expensive. With a do-it-yourself attitude, installing the perfect pool table lights in a game room is not that difficult. With the lights in place, you can fully enjoy a well-lit game any time. Does this Spark an idea?
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Locate the ceiling just above the pool table for a stud. If you intend to hang multiple rows of light fixture, locate more than one stud in the ceiling. In standard building construction practice, ceiling studs are spaced in 16 inch intervals, but they can be as far as 24 inches apart.
2Drill holes in the studs for hanging the lights. Install metal hooks in the holes. Be sure the hooks are strong enough to hold the weight of the light fixture and are screwed tightly into the stud.
3Measure anywhere between 36 and 42 inches from the bottom of the light fixture to the top of the pool table. Secure the lamp chains to the hooks and allow the light fixture to hang freely at the measured height.
4Turn off the circuit breaker to the room at the electrical panel. Find your ceiling's electrical box and connect the light. If the electrical box is unavailable, you will need to have a certified electrician install one. To avoid this kind of hassle, it is better to purchase lights that come with power cords. That way, you can just plug the lights into the nearest electrical outlet, using extension cords as needed.
5Follow the recommended wattage by the light fixture manufacturer. Use a 100 watt bulb per socket if the lighting suggestion is unspecified.
6Return electricity to the circuit breaker. Plug the pool table light fixture cord into the nearest outlet and test the illumination to your pool table. If your fixture swivels, adjust the angle for optimum lighting.
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