A corner TV console takes up less space than a square or rectangular console, since it "wedges" into the corner. If you can build your own furniture pieces, you can build a corner TV console out of standard lumber and plywood. You will need to break out some of that old algebra knowledge to calculate the measurement of a right triangle to get the pieces right. Does this Spark an idea?
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Design the size of your console. This depends on the size of the TV; it needs to fit safely on top. Measure the space available in the corner. Then decide on the number of shelves you need to hold the cable/satellite box, DVR/DVD player, video storage and possibly the stereo.
2Draw the measurements for the top and bottom pieces of the console onto the particle board. These two pieces should be right triangles (see the algebra formulas below) to fit in the corner. Add as many pieces of the same shape and size for your shelves. Cut them out with the saw.
3Cut four pieces the height of your console from the 2-by-6 boards. Line up the boards vertically so you can attach the 6-inch sides to the side edges of the particle board---the sides that will face the walls---at each corner. Screw each board into the top and bottom pieces of particle board.
4Brace the top and bottom to the boards with L-brackets. Screw two brackets to the underside of the top and the inner sides of the 2-by-6 boards. Screw two brackets to the topside of the bottom piece, then to the inner sides of the boards.
5Add the shelves to the console, so they line up with the top and bottom pieces, their edges fitting against the side boards. Position each shelf for a height 1 to 2 inches taller than the device that will go there. You can fit them in place with wood glue before screwing each shelf to the side boards (as you did with the top and bottom). Brace each shelf with L-brackets.
6Glue trim boards to the sides for a smooth finish. If you do this, drill or cut out large holes in one side for power cords to fit through.
7Paint or stain the console. Let dry completely before setting up the TV and other devices.
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