As televisions get larger and larger, so do the stands that hold them. Many manufacturers know this and will charge you a premium for a television stand. If you are looking for an alternative to spending a large amount on a stand, you can build one yourself for less. In fact, you can build a television stand to perfectly fit the size and shape of your house. Does this Spark an idea?
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Place a piece of the 2- by 2-feet, 11 1/4-inch wood on a flat surface so it is standing on its 2 feet, 11 1/4-inch edge. Place the piece of 2- by 4-feet piece of plywood against the outside edge to form a right angle. You should now have an "L" shape that is 3 feet by 4 feet. Make sure the angle is square and screw the pieces together.
2Attach the other piece of 2- by 2-feet, 11 1/4-inch wood to the opposite side of the 2- by 4-feet piece. Make sure the 2- by 4-feet piece is on the outside edge of the 2- by 2-feet, 11 1/4-inch piece. Square the angle and screw the pieces together. This will form the top of the stand and the two sides.
3Measure 1 inch from the bottom edge of the side pieces toward the center and make a mark. This is the location of the bottom of the bottom shelf. Place a piece of 3-feet, 10 1/2-inch by 2-feet plywood so the bottom of the board is at the mark you made. Screw this piece into the side. You should now have a rectangular frame.
4Measure 1 foot, 10 7/8-inches from the edge of the other 3-feet, 10 1/2-inch board. Make a mark. Place the 2- by 2-feet 1/2 inch board at this location. This should make a "T" shape with the smaller board at the center of the longer board. Square the angle and screw the pieces together.
5Place the "T" into the frame so the vertical part of the "T" is attached to the bottom and the horizontal parts are attached to the sides. Screw the "T" into the frame.
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