
Sunday, February 23, 2014

DIY Aquarium Stands

When you have an aquarium, it is going to be necessary to have a stand for it. Aquariums shouldn't sit on the floor, and most regular tables aren't going to be strong enough to hold one. Aquarium stands can be expensive, so it is important to have some idea of how to do it yourself. With a little bit of thought and planning, you can have great DIY aquarium stands.

Existing Furniture

    By far the easiest type of DIY aquarium stand is going to be a piece of furniture that already exists, which you can simply use to place your aquarium on. This is the easiest because you don't have to modify it. You do, however, want to make sure that it will work for a stand. First, make sure that it is big enough to accommodate the stand. The base of the piece of furniture should be larger and longer than the aquarium itself. The piece of furniture should be sturdy and should be solid. Tables with legs aren't a good idea but sturdy dressers, night stands or desks will work. Make sure that the piece of furniture will hold hundreds of pounds, because that is the weight that you'll be looking at, depending on the type of aquarium you use. Lastly, make sure that the piece of furniture can be attached to the wall. Before you put your aquarium on it, make sure the furniture is placed where you want it, and make sure that it is securely attached to the wall.

TV Stands

    Another type of furniture that you can use with minimal changes is going to be a TV stand, because most TV stands already are made to hold heavy things. You also can attach a TV stand to the wall with screws in order to keep it secure.

Building a Stand

    Another way that you can create a DIY aquarium stand is to build one yourself. You can make a stand in any style but the best style is a simple, solid wood style. Do not use legs; instead use strong pieces of wood to create a solid stand.

Attaching the Stand to the Wall

    No matter what type of DIY stand you use, it is important to remember to secure it. Aquariums can easily tip over if not balanced correctly, so attach your stand, no matter what you use, to the wall with furniture screws. Use a website with a great plan to make sure that you have the perfect stand for your needs, depending on the type of aquarium stand you have.


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