
Monday, July 7, 2014

How to Make a Corner TV Wall Stand

How to Make a Corner TV Wall Stand

A wall stand can position a TV set out of the way while still being viewed, especially if you mount it in a corner. If you have a small TV set of 19 inches or so, you can construct your own shelf stand for the TV. Building your own wall stand can be easier due to TV sets being much more lightweight since HD, flat-screen TVs became mainstream. This should not be attempted with a heavier tube-based CRT TV set.



    Measure the width of the TV set at its widest point -- usually along the middle of the screen -- as well as its depth at its deepest point.


    Measure a piece of inch-thick plywood into a rectangle or triangle shelf for the TV set. This shelf should have at least three inches of clearance for the TV's width and depth.


    Cut the plywood into the measured shape with a saw.


    Sand the edges of the plywood where you cut it with fine sandpaper. Paint or stain the shelf, if you wish.


    Screw L-shaped metal brackets into the underside of the shelf along the two sides that will line up against the wall using a screwdriver or drill. The brackets should extend to at least the halfway point of the shelf and be two inches apart from each other.


    Measure the distance up the wall that you want the stand and TV to hang from. For the best viewing, the stand should not be more than a foot or two higher than your own height.


    Place the stand in the corner of the wall at your measured height and mount it into place using the drill and screws in the brackets. Make sure some of the bracket screws go into a wall stud for proper support.


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