Corners are often wasted space in a room because standard furniture is not designed with them in mind. You can make better use of space in your room by building a corner TV stand. The corner TV stand consists of sides, a top, middle and bottom shelf. Building a corner stand increases your options for room layout and creates more wall space for your furniture.
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Place the 3/4-by-32-by-36-inch plywood panel on a work surface with the 3/4-by-36-inch edge flat on the surface. Align the 3/4-by-32-by-35 1/4-inch board on the work surface and butt the 3/4-by-32-inch edge up against one end of the 32-by-36-inch face along the edge to form a right angle. Make sure the outside 32-by-35 1/4-inch panel is flush with the end of the 3/4-by-32-by-36-inch board.
2Drive flush trim wood screws through the outside of the 3/4-by-32-by-36-inch board into the 3/4-by-32-inch edge every 2 inches along the entire height of the board using a screw gun. This the side assembly.
3Align a 3/4-by-36-by-36-inch panel over the top ends of the side assembly so that one corner of the panel is flush with the back corner of assembly and the 36-inch sides are flush with the sides of the assembly.
4Draw a smooth curve across the panel from the front edge of one side of the side assembly to the front edge on the opposing side. This is the front face of the top, middle and bottom shelf panels.
5Transfer the front face curve onto the two remaining 3/4-by-36-by-36-inch panels with a pencil and flexible curve ruler.
6Cut the front curve out from each panel on a band saw. Sand the edge using an edge belt sander until each front edge is smooth.
7Measure, mark and cut 3/4-inch off each straight side of one shelf panel using a table saw. This is the middle shelf. The 3/4-inch cut off of each side will allow the shelf to fit between the sides.
8Lay one shelf panel over the top edges of the side assembly so that the sides are flush and the rounded front face is facing the opening of the assembly. Drive flush trim wood screws every 3 inches through the top of the shelf panel into the top edges of the sides.
9Center one shelf panel in the center of the side assembly. Align two evenly spaced L-brackets underneath the shelf at the joint between the shelf and the sides. Screw the brackets into place with a screw gun and the provided screws.
10Turn the stand over and align the remaining shelf panel over the sides. Drive flush trim wood screws into the bottom edges of the sides every three inches to fasten the bottom into place.
11Turn the stand upright. Apply a wood finish to the stand and allow the finish to dry before handling.
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